Order-Unit Spaces which are Banach Dual Spaces

  • M. A. Berdikulov Institute of Mathematics, Uzbek Academy of Sciences, 29 F. Khodjaev Str., Tashkent, 700125, Uzbekistan


Spaces of selfadjoint elements of a C*-algebra or a von Neumann algebra, and also JB- and JBW-algebras are examples of order-unit spaces. A von Neumann algebra and a JBW-algebra possess predual spaces, but, generally speaking, a JB-algebra and a C*-algebra don't have this property. In this work, conditions are found for an order-unit space to possess a predual space. Moreover, a condition is obtained characterizing JBW-algebras among order-unit spaces having a predual space.

Mathematics Subject Classification: 46B40, 46L50, 46G12, 46B10.

Ключові слова:

order-unit space, predual space, state, trace, generalized spin-factor, L1-norm


Як цитувати

Berdikulov, M. A. Order-Unit Spaces which are Banach Dual Spaces. Журн. мат. фіз. анал. геом. 2006, 2, 130-137.





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